questions to ask when interviewing birth doulas
Choosing the doula who will accompany you through a life-changing time can make all the difference in labor. Doulas are known for their compassion, kindness, experience, and tools that help you have a more satisfying birth. You may not know where to start when coming up with questions to ask or topics to discuss as you interview your potential doulas, this is especially true for first-time parents. You don’t know what you don’t know! And that is okay, doulas are here to help get you that information, but let’s first get you what you need to know or need to ask in order to find that perfect doulas support!
The following are several topics, questions, and conversations to bring up with your birth doula. These are all designed to help you find your perfect support. It can be helpful to answer these questions yourself before the interview. This will give you a better sense of what you are looking for.
Interview topic #1: Birth support
Talk to the doula about what you know of doulas, their services, and what they can do. This can help to eliminate any misinformation and make sure you understand the role of the doula.
What does your ideal birth support look like? Has the doula ever supported someone through that?
What does her support look like?
How many births have you been a part of?
Do you include any pre-natal appointments?
interview topic #2: Philosophy on birth
Talk about what you are most excited for and what you might be concerned or nervous about. You can ask how your doula would handle that situation or is she has worked with others with similar concerns.
What is the doula’s philosophy on birth? What is your philosophy?
Why did you become a doula?
Are there any births you wish you weren’t a part of?
Is there anything in labor that you don’t support? Ex drugs, other interventions
What do you find challenging about supporting births?
What is your favorite part of supporting families through birth?
Interview topic #3: MEthods of birthing
Similar to a doula’s philosophy on birth, the methods they practice, use, and love can teach you a a lot about them. There are no wrong methods to birth, there are only methods that are right for you and your family.
Can you support someone through a hypnobirthing method?
Do you support completely unmedicated births? What does that look like?
Do you support planned cesarean births? Emergent cesarean?
Do you support births at home, a birth center, or hospital?
What are your favorite comfort measures?
interview topic #4: dad and partner support
Thinking about everyone who will be involved in your birthing experience is also important! It’s critical to ask your doula about how they work with, encourage, and support your partner just as much as she supports you. You will want to make sure that your doula supports the participation level of your partner or other birth companions.
How will you support my partner?
How do you two work together?
What does both of your participations look like?
interview topic #5: hours of support
You want to ensure that you have the coverage for support that you need. Some doulas support you whenever you are ready and stay for as long as your labor lasts, whereas others have set amount of labor support hours. For example, some hospital doula programs will support you for 10 hours and may be able to add hours on if your labor continues.
When do you start being on call?
When do you usually arrive for support?
How long do you stay after baby is born?
What if it is prodromal labor? Do you come and go?
Do you have back up support?
interview topic #6: Prices and payment
All doulas have varied prices. As education and experience increases, you can expect that prices will increase. In larger cities, there tends to be higher costs, much like any product or service.
What are your fees?
Are there payment plans available?
What happens if you do not make it to my birth? Back up payment?
Additional fees for longer hours?
interview topic #7: additional services
Talk to your doula about other services or expertise she may have. Some of these can be added as a priced package. You may also learn about new tools and services you had never heard of.
What other services do you provide?
Birth Photography?
Placenta Encapsulation?
Belly Caste?
Postpartum support?
Other resources?
final thoughts for the birth doula interview
Your doula will no doubt be a great source of information throughout the remainder of your pregnancy and a resource after your baby is born. That being said, the doula interview is not for asking questions about birth and comfort measures. The doula interview is intended to make sure that you and your doula are a good match of both personality and skill. You will have plenty of time to discuss specific questions pertaining to your support in pre-natal appointments and over the phone.
At the end of the day, these topics are just to get you started. Other important topics and conversations will come up based on these questions. You can expect that your doula will have questions for you as well. These are not meant to judge you, but to understand your desires and needs better. Conversations with your doula-to-be are no time to be shy. Being open with your partner and doula throughout your pregnancy and birth experience will make it better. Stay open throughout the interview and good luck in finding your perfect doula support!