Three tips for a smooth and easy drive to the hospital
Does the thought of driving to the hospital or birth center scare you? You are not alone, so many expecting families are worried about getting to their birth location. Here, I will share some of the tips I give to all my birthing clients as they drive from their home to where they will be giving birth!
These tips are designed for both the driver and laboring passenger. Please, drive safely, calmly, and distraction-free.
driving to your birth location: thoughts and fears
Before diving into the tips and tricks to manage emotions, surges (contractions), and navigation, it’s best to start with your thoughts and feelings about the drive to the hospital or your birth location. Looking at your specific worries, talking them through, and building new positive thought patterns can help to ease your worries.
for the driver and partner:
What is your biggest concern while driving? Is it not getting to the hospital on time, traffic, the nerves of becoming a parent? Hopefully, I am not planting new anxieties! Narrowing down the specific concern and talking it through with a professional or trusted friend can help ease the tension, reducing your stress levels the day of.
The drive is often a fear for many first time parents. Remember, it’s important as a support person to be confident and reassuring to your partner in labor. If you are able to maintain a calm presence and confidence it will radiate to your partner.
for the laboring passenger:
Are you concerned about giving birth in the car? Not being able to focus through contractions? Or just the anticipation of giving birth? These are all fair and totally normal. Similar to your driver, it’s helpful to understand the basis of your concerns and talk with a professional or trusted friend. You can even try a fear release meditation! Youtube and The Hypnobirthing Method offer great audio recordings that get you into a safe space and allow you to release any negative or fear based thoughts.
If you are hearing stories from other parents about their labors or drives to the hospital, don’t be afraid to cut them off and ask if this is a positive story or a traumatic story. It’s okay to tell people you do not want to hear their story if it is going to affect your mindset.
Staying calm and in the zone is the name of the game while driving. Whether you know it is a long drive or a short drive, traveling to your birth location is a crucial step in becoming a parent.
Tip #1 : Visualize your drive to the birth location
Having a positive mindset and visualizing your goals are beneficial in birth and in many areas of life. You may have heard how Michael Phelps worked incredibly close with therapists and psychologists to visualize all the feelings, thoughts, and sensations of winning in the olympics that supported his path to victory. Practice visualizations of your own to accomplish your birth desires.
If you find yourself worrying about the drive to birth your baby at the hospital, take some time to become relaxed and then begin to visualize the drive going smoothly. Take time to soak in the sensations of the car, relax into your seat, and see the path to the hospital ahead of you. Imagine your excitement of getting closer to meeting your baby.
Meditate in the car
Some folks find it helpful to practice a few meditations in the car in the weeks leading up to labor. I find it helpful to begin almost every drive I go on by starting the car, picking out a favorite song, and taking a few slow and calming breaths. It sets you up to feel relaxed and focused throughout your drive.
practice the drive
Having a practice drive in heavier traffic and faster commutes is a great idea too. Visualize the sensations of labor throughout that drive. Recognize and learn some of the landmarks that can help you understand how are you still have to do on the drive. Knowing what is on the road ahead can provide relief and allow you to ease into your car labor as you notice landmarks that are bringing you closer and closer to meeting your baby.
tip #2 : Create a driving to the birth location playlist
If music, podcasts, or some variation of sound soothes your soul, I would recommend creating several playlists for your labor, but especially for your drive. Some folks will plan out almost exactly how many songs it will take to reach their birthing location, this is a great idea! Add a few extra in the mix to account for traffic or potential detours.
Create a driving playlist that feels right for you!
While you’re at it, make a labor playlist too! This can be a fun way to include your partner in preparations for labor.
Adding your favorite songs or speakers to your list is a great way to uplift your spirits and keep you in a grounded state. Some families love audiobooks, as a birth doula, I have heard plenty of harry potter in the birth room whether it be the movie or read aloud. Think about these kinds of audios that comfort you throughout your day to day.
Make a playlist that will support both of you through the drive. It can be hard to anticipate exactly what you will be feeling, but excitement and anticipation will definitely be in the mix. You don’t have to make the playlist full of yoga-like songs. Adding some that you as the birthing person and you as the driver can belt out to is a great way to connect and release some energy throughout your drive.
tip #3: Distract yourself throughout the drive to give birth
Distractions can be a great tool throughout your labor, but especially during your drive. Distractions are intended for the laboring passenger, not for the driver! Please, take all precautions and drive safely.
Avoid timing your contractions during the drive. For one, that can make you focus in on your sensations and potentially distract the driver. Secondly, it will make the drive seem to last forever. Just go with me here.
The following are a list of ideas you can do to distract yourself on the drive:
1.Continue adding songs to your labor playlist
2.Clean out your phone’s photo album to make space for all those new baby pictures to come
3.Call a friend or family member (only if you want them to know what is going on)
4.Relating back to Tip #2 - sing to the music ** Bonus tip: when singing or talking you are actively breathing in and out. Getting more oxygen to your muscles think uterus will reduce uncomfortable sensations and keep those muscles working well!
5.Take a look at your birth plans/ preferences: refresh your mind on what some of your goals are
Bonus tip! Getting comfortable in labor while driving to the hospital
As you will notice throughout the last few weeks of pregnancy, getting comfortable in any position becomes more and more difficult. The car is no exception. The front seat will most likely not be the most comfortable place to sit anymore, try getting in the back.
As you have surely accumulated all your favorite pillows, blankets, and other comfort items, understand those can help you get comfortable in the car, especially if it’s going to be a long drive.
Even if you do not intend to bring all your pillows into your hospital room or birth center room, don’t deny yourself the comfort during the drive. Load them up!
Grab all the pillows!
This is no time to be shy, your comfort will make you and the driver feel better. Go grab that extra one!
Let’s be clear, do not try anything that is unlawful or that feels unsafe to you, but there are a lot of ways to change the backseat of a car to improve comfort. Lean a seat back, put pillows where you will sit, lift your legs, lay down sideways. Whatever you do, remember to wear your seat belts please!
Summary of Driving to the hospital tips
1.Visualize the drive. Practice it if you are more nervous. GPS is a blessing in our modern times, but that won’t necessarily calm all your worries.
2.Create a playlist: meditations, music, prayers. Whatever soothes your soul!
3.Distraction: Talk to someone on the phone, have fidget toys, sing.
4.Make the car ride as comfortable as possible, trying out different positions and utilizing all your pillows.
Besides having a healthy and safe birth, know that driving to the hospital or birth center are on the top of many families anxieties. It’s okay to have these fears! Talking through them, coming up with actionable steps to address them, and finding new ways to cope will make the experience all the better.
Stay safe out there!